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A business purpose beyond profit

TNS success foundation

  • Success orientation & Training programmes
  • Readers’ club – Circulating library
  • Environment Health and Safety - ERT
  • Hospitality
  • Cartoon Habba & Cultural programmes

Success orientation & Training programmes

TNS success foundation is a non-profit making organization, which conducts FREE success orientation & Training programmes.TNS with their unique teaching methods shares proven secrets of success in their revolutionary free seminars which is the most simple and easy to understand method.

THYAGARAJ N. SHETTY is the founder of TNS group, India. A business consultant, speaker and successful entrepreneur.

TNS is organising and conducting Success orientation programmes in association with co - founders of TNS group & Members of Readers’ club. Initially the success foundation is created to give training to the staff members of TNS group company and their vendors.

Today TNS is helping people from all walks of life to excel in their chosen path. So far, TNS's teachings have touched the lives of many who got an opportunity to find, revisit, sharpen and achieve their dreams through the systems outlined to succeed.

TNS always believes in “The more you Learn the more you Earn.” Through this success orientation programmes we are helping our employees to shift from employee mentality to ownership mentality. We always suggest and train our employees and vendors to focus on personal development, which in turn helps to have specialized knowledge. For specialization is key to success. .


Readers’ Club

“Not all Readers are Leaders but all Leaders are Readers”
By Harry Truman

Readers’ club and its circulating library is one of the Corporate Social Responsibilities of TNS group. Reader’s club and its circulating library arrangements are specially designed and organized for young entrepreneurs who would like to excel in their chosen path.

Attitude is everything...

Why is one man sad and another man happy?
Why is one man joyous and prosperous and another man poor and miserable?

why is one man fearful and anxious and another full of faith and confidence?

Why is one man having a beautiful, luxurious home while another lives out a meager existence in a slum?

Why is one man a great success and another an object failure?

Why is one speaker outstanding and immensely popular and another mediocre and unpopular?.....

(By: Dr. Joseph Murphy – Fellow of the Andhra Research University of India)

And the solution is…

We have recommended books written by highly successful people from all facets.
These books have produced thousands of Millionaire, Billionaire, thinkers, statesmen, and inventors.

This is our all-time efforts to propagate these success principles so that it may help young entrepreneurs - future of our nation, to find and actualize their dreams.

We believe that attitude is everything and of course these books will help us to have right attitude which is necessary to make our nation healthy and wealthy

We request readers to add reading to their daily schedule and eventually it becomes a habit.
Those who would like to turn coal into diamonds can join the Reader’s club.