TNS Infrastructure Logistics is the premier Excavating company in Bangalore, India.
99013 65665 / 93426 13243
Tel: 080 2848 4742
TNS Infrastructure Logistics
# 210, 8th cross, 1st main. 2nd stage, Bhuvaneshwari nagar, Jnanabharathi, Bangalore – 560 056. India.
TNS Infrastructure Logistics has always been at the forefront with the highest production rates of any contractor in Bangalore. If a project has a critical schedule. TNS is the only choice.
We understand that delays are costly. Our schedules are aggressive and work with clients directly to ensure time efficient completion. Owners know they are on or ahead of their schedules when TNS, moves onto the project.
We are ready to move immediately on site with the right size, type and amount of equipment necessary to work within the owner's schedule. We are continuously upgrading and enlarging our fleet, which is one of the largest and diverse in the city.
TNS Infrastructure Logistics has been an industry leader since 2006. Our commitment to quality and professionalism is cut above the rest.